Gynecomastia is a common and troublesome condition for some men. This condition involves the enlargement of breast tissue in males. The root cause of gynecomastia is a hormonal imbalance, which may be caused by medications, other health conditions, and even natural hormone changes. Although gynecomastia isn’t medically serious, it can be severely damaging to a man’s self-confidence. Dr. Gaon can remove excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin to create a more masculine appearance.

What is Gynecomastia?

Dr. Gaon’s Approach
Our approach welcomes full patient involvement in the treatment planning process. You and Dr. Mark Gaon will thoroughly discuss your concerns and your expectations for the outcome of your plastic surgery. Then, we’ll develop a detailed treatment plan together that will enable you to accomplish your goals.
Whether you choose a facelift, liposuction, or male breast reduction—or all three—we are confident you will love your new look. And when you choose Gaon Plastic Surgery, you can rest assured knowing that your care and safety are our highest priorities.