What is a Facelift?

More men are undergoing cosmetic surgeries than ever before in order to remain competitive in the workplace and on the dating scene. One commonly requested procedure is the facelift. A facelift lifts and tightens excess facial tissues, and removes excess facial skin. The result is the reversal of the signs of aging on the face, such as deep wrinkles and facial folds, sagging skin, loose jowls, and undesirable facial contours. After a facelift, men can look drastically younger than before.

Dr. Gaon’s Approach

Our approach welcomes full patient involvement in the treatment planning process. You and Dr. Mark Gaon will thoroughly discuss your concerns and your expectations for the outcome of your plastic surgery. Then, we’ll develop a detailed treatment plan together that will enable you to accomplish your goals.

Whether you choose a facelift, liposuction, or male breast reduction—or all three—we are confident you will love your new look. And when you choose Gaon Plastic Surgery, you can rest assured knowing that your care and safety are our highest priorities.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Is a Face Lift?

How Can I Prepare for My Consultation or Surgery?

What Are the Steps of the Procedure?

What Are the Risks?

How Long Is the Recovery Time After Surgery?

When Will I Start to See Results?

How Much Will It Cost?

Learn more about these procedures by calling our office, or scheduling a consultation online today.