Many people undergoing plastic surgery decide to have laser skin resurfacing as an add-on procedure, although it can also be performed independently. This procedure involves using a precisely targeted medical-grade laser to remove the upper layers of skin on the face, revealing the new, youthful-looking skin underneath. Laser skin resurfacing can correct a variety of blemishes, including sun damage and the signs of aging. Wrinkles, sun spots, acne scars, and birthmarks can all benefit from laser skin resurfacing.

What is Laser Resurfacing?

Dr. Gaon’s Approach
Facial refinements are as much of an art as they are a science. At Gaon Plastic Surgery, we believe all cosmetic enhancements should bring out the natural beauty of each person. Dr. Gaon blends an unmatched sense of artistry with exceptional clinical skills to correct disproportionate facial features.
Our approach is a personalized one, as we believe every patient should be an active participant in their treatment plan. We’ll work with you to identify your problem areas and define your ideal appearance. Every time you look in the mirror, we want you to take pride in your reflection.